25 Nov 2012

PSN´s totalt ubrukte potensial av Playstation 3/4

Jeg liker god min PS3. Det er en fantastisk maskin. Men alikevel irriterer jeg meg over at den ikke er bedre en den er, når den har potensialet til det. Opprinnelig forum post - derfor engelsk. 

PSN Apps is a totally unused potential.

The PS3 is first of all a game machine. Which, in my opinion, it does better then any its competitors today.

It also has a lot of great functions like media server streaming, photo viewing, Netflix and so on. I love this machine. And still I think I could be so much better.

The machine hardware has the potential to turn any TV into a smart TV. Problem is that Sony tries to stuff other 3 party services down my throat instead of letting me choose. Also I don’t get some of the Asia / USA / Europe version differences. I think if Sony PS wants to keep there top place as a home console they also have to consider opening up there platform to function better with other media and applications. It’s actually all about the lack of choice, or having the choice made fore you.

To the PSN, or sony online or what ever you call it now a’ days, I would love to se:

1. Alternative music services: I’m sure Music Unlimited and Qriocity are good music services. But I have been using Spotify for several years and I don´t feel like changing services. And I definitely don’t feel like paying for two. Many other people in Scandinavia use Wimp. Why can´t we have the opportunity to choose them.

2. Internet video: How come we have to wait for the YouTube player in Europe? Especially for a service that is considered free on our phones and laptops. And what about other famous popular services like Vimeo or Ustream.

3. TV services: Netflix is awesome. But there where several other options avalible outside the PSN univerce. I was waiting for Netflix to come to Scandinavia since the release of the PS3, now its finally here.  I get the legal issues with media distribution, but we have several other services already available locally in each country. Why don’t you talk to them and offer us the choice. In Scandinavia for instance we have Viasat play, TV3 play, Cmore, and several other services. Also MUBI and vidzone are cool but they also have their competitors. And when HBO Nordic comes, will that pop up ass an app?

4. Image Galleries: Today most of us store our images online. So why not take advantage of it. Build an app for flicker, google picasa, facebook images and all the other services out there.

5. Apps in general: And what about facebook in general. Google+ with google talk and hangout. And what about Skype for the PS3 platform, its on the vita but not there, why?

To much work to make apps for all the different services? No! You already have the PSNstore. Take a queue from Android and Apple systems. Open up for more 3rd party apps in general, and invite them to develop their own apps. Or team up with Google and build an Android platform atop the PS3 OS.

Thing is that smart TV´s, Xbox, apple TV and other systems all do this better then PlayStation. And with games slowly becoming a streaming service (Like onlive or the upcomming steambox) I think Sony has to steep up there game a bit.

I know that internal contracts and deal is one of the big reasons we don’t get to choose. But I think that Sony is hurting them selves more by doing it. The reason Android devices (and somewhat Apple) are so popular is because the play store gives us the user the power of choice,

So dear Sony, use the potential. Look at you competitors. Coping and improving is how technology moves forward. And also don´t try to work against the trends, go with the flow. If a potential 3rd party competitor is successful its because of great services and not corporate strategies. "If you can´t bet them, join them". I believe it would benefit you in the long run and us the users in the short run.

Til then...Both PS3 and future PS4 users... happy gaming guys! :smileyhappy:

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