28 Jun 2012

Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut

Mass effect har endret slutten sin, og her er min første reaksjon etter å ha spilt igjennom. Teksten er "spoiler free" frem til du ser markøren.

Tar dette på engelsk etter som det egentlig bare er en kopi fra mine forum poster.

Everyone who thinks ME3:EC is a solid Apology. Post here.

Dear Bioware team.

You know what? Apology excepted. You heard your fans and you dealt with it. You spent countless man hours and resources making sure that your fans would get the closure they deserved. You made history in interactive entertainment and made the user, your fans, part of the creation process. So much that you made the changes even post launch. And you gave it to the fans for free.

You did not compromise your integrity and kept the general purpose of your original endings. And even though you disagreed with the refuse ending you still put it in there and gave us your version of what would happen then.

Many don't agree with some of your choices of outcomes. Some out right hate them. But now at-least we feel that our decisions and relationships mattered some what, and the universe of the mass effect can live on. And you know what, it feels like it now is more 50% like and 50% hate, which is more or less normal and much better then what you had. (I wish someone would sett up a pool on this somewhere.)

Bioware, you are a great company how tries hard to give heart to your games. And you have such a solid fan base that if you waver from your own principles you create an uproar like the ME3 ending has done. We do this because we love your games and don't want you to fall for the corporate trap of money grinding.

Everyone that thinks that Bioware deviled a solid apology for wavering, Please post your thank you in this topic in the forums. No ending discussions or "I'm leavind you for Bethesda" rage posts. Just a simple, your OK in my book.

[SPOILERS] From this point

My general feelings on the ending from the forums:

Extended Cut: SPOILER Discussion


I liked the DA:O like poster endings and the extended "this happend" scenes. But it feels like Bioware tries its best to explain or patch up some of the things that did not make sense the first time around.

And some of the magic of the indoctrination theory now is gone. Or is it? (hmmm...)

For my sake the perfekt ending is still the red one. Inn my head EDI would rather die then give up her individuality. And i like to think the indoctrination theory was correct... Just because I like feeling smart. :P

And i love the fact that you can now tell the "god child" to go fuck himself. :)

That´s what is grate about these new endings, we now get to decide how we think it should end.... Don´t give me that bull crap about this not being new endings because it is!

These are new endings because of these game changers: Hammer fleet leaves Sol for home right before detonation, Relays survives (sorta), Normandy gets fixed. And even thought it´s unlikely, my friend and love interest get saved right before the beam. Laught my ass off at that last one, really felt like bioware was saying "Ok! Yes! We know! We sorta fucked that one up. :)

Note: My perfect ending (that would piss some people off) would be - Bitter sweet scene with Anderson, Cut right to Red ending. But then you would not have the choices mentioned before. So lesser evil.

But bioware team and Casey. I´ll say like Anderson. "You did good son, you did good." :)

Next time ship it like that... And if you can´t make the deadline, take a cue from tell tales and make it episodic. :P

And to anyone still bitching. Give it a rest, you won´t get it any better then this without remaking ME3.

BUT: Is the indoctrination theory still alive.

In my imagination. Yes. Blue feels down right evil, and green is to mutch of a utopia.

In other words:

Blue ending: Shepherd is indoctrinated. He knows it and he´s drunk with power. He feels he is a protector now, but he realy turned in to a super villain. He helps them rebuild the relays, but mostly its for his own gain. Listen to his voice and the music of this ending. Is freaking creepy.

Green ending: Shepherd is indoctrinated and put out of play. The ending is mostly images feed to his mind like he is in some kind of matrix effect. His memories and reaper-form has been stored and is studied for intel. He has no powers, but is more store like the kid in overlord. Look at the ending again. It is in other words, to good to be true and highly unlikely.

Red ending: Shepherd is still not aware that he is being indoctrinated. But he refuses to get manipulated and fur fills his original mission of destroying the reapers. He knows the EMP like blast will likely kill EDI and the Geth. But he knows that EDI would rather die then give up her individuality. And the Quarians will rebuild the Geth. They are to much of an asset to Ranoc now. Ass the Crusible detonated, he sees his live flashing before his eyes, and he Imagens what will happen. In the last images he thinks of his friends and how mutch he will miss them. But something is strange, because your love intrest refuses to put up the plack with his name on the memorial wall... why?... Thats when he realize... "Im alive" (BRETH)... END CREDIT.

Grasping at straws? maybe.

The underground reviewers thank you videos.


Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC Ending review


ME3: Extended Cut Analysis + Leviathan DLC

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