8 Nov 2014


Movember is mens pink ribbon, but we don’t wear a pink ribbon. We were a stash, a cookie duster, a flavor saver, a lady tickler,  a face lace, a dirt Squirrel. a good old mo bro Mustachio

You can find my profile here:

Men are generally uncomfortable talking about embarrassing issues of the body and mind. We don’t generally talk about it, leading us to almost ignore it.

Early detection is the best chance you have of surviving cancer. And since the Movember started in 2003, the statistics show that now almost 99 % of people diagnosed with prostate cancer survive over 5 to 15 years with the illness because of early detection.

1 in 7 men in the world will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. This year alone over 233,000 people in the us alone will be diagnosed with cancer. My home country, Norway is a small country with barely 5 mill people, here around 5000 new cases will be registered.

1 in 36 men will die from prostate cancer accounting for about 22% of all male deaths from cancer.

Mental health is also a male health issue.. For some men to admit to be depressed or suffering from anxiety is also considered embarrassing for some reason.

1 in 4 adult males will experience a mental health problem in a given year.

More than four times as many men as women die by suicide every year. This year alone we lost a great one to this illness.

You can yourself go to movember.com which has a lot of information about the issues of men´s heal with you can read up on. Here you can find more statistics and also the organization's  program report cards, annual report and financial performance pages.

Find out more about movember at http://movember.com

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