8 Nov 2014


Movember is mens pink ribbon, but we don’t wear a pink ribbon. We were a stash, a cookie duster, a flavor saver, a lady tickler,  a face lace, a dirt Squirrel. a good old mo bro Mustachio

You can find my profile here:

The blog is going anglophile

Yepp. I'm rethinking the norwegian blog. From now on my blog will be written in English to reach a wider audience. I'll change the graphics and description soon.

This is maybe sad. But my Frozen video mashup turned viral i got over 2500 international subscribers to my channel. First i thought that this would be mosty young people because of the nature of the video, but the statistic in YouTube showed my demographic to be men and women in the age group 25-35...

Still even if most of them aren't in my primary demographic, my video's there will get a fast view count and show up easier in searches... So not only will i switch to English, i will also try.... TRY. to make some video blogs.

Problem is i need to write or talk about something i think is interesting, fun or important. And right now i don't have that much inspiration. But i will try to make an effort.

The first one is already out!

- See next entry