20 Mar 2017

Video game addictions

My plan was to make a lighter episode this week, since last week got a bit sincere with age ratings. But then Norwegian broadcasting agency decided to make a report about the connection between video addiction and unemployment.

13 Mar 2017

How games are not just for kids anymore. - Age Ratings

(Norsk versjon finner dere her)

I remember my childhood with great fondness when i see old 8 bit games. There was something magical and revolutionary to be able to control the image on your television with the little gray controller. And your parents had very little to worry about when it came to the little red plumber. Therefor i get that it can be hard for my parents generation to look at videogames as anything else then childish play. But for us who have grown up with videogames, we know that the games industry reached its adulthood a long time ago.

My thoughts on the Playstation VR.

After playing Resident Evil 7 in it's entirety in VR, i must say that i'm absolutely in love with playing FP games in this fashion. The possibility to aim with my head and physically be able to peek around corners is amazing, and it changes the game completely. I could absolutely not imagine playing a game like this any other way now, and I really hope that Res7 will be the proof of concept. The problem with Res7 is that the game is to scary to use as a statistic, because people are too afraid to play it in VR. Hell, i usually don't get scared in regular mode and i almost could not enter the house in VR. Therefore we who have ventured inn to the abyss need to speak up at this amazing technology.